Energy Efficiency Video Experts (EEVE)

The EEVE-group at the LMS is a small group of researchers dedicated to improving the energy efficiency of video communication systems. We began our research more than ten years ago with the analysis and modeling of video decoding and have evolved into a specialized team with expertize in the energy efficiency of video encoding and decoding as well as video communication devices. Our goal is to enable high-quality video communications at a low energy consumption.

In the past years, our chair developed various algorithms and tools helping to improve the energy efficiency in video communications. This is a list of the most important contributions, which are all free to use under respective open-source licenses.

  • Bit stream analysis for AVC, HEVC, and VVC
    This software takes arbitrary HEVC or VVC-coded bit streams and analyzes their use of coding tools and provides block size statistics.
  • Green-MPEG Metadata Generator and Analysis
    In ongoing standardization efforts, we strive to update Green-Metadata in standardizations that help in reducing the power consumption of end-user devices. The software was developed at the chair and automatically generates metadata that decoders can exploit to optimize performance levels of their CPUs.
  • DERDO: Decoding-Energy-Rate-Distortion Optimization
    DERDO is an algorithm that enables the compression of sequences such that the decoding energy on client devices is minimized. The source code for HEVC encoding can be downloaded following the link.

Further contributions and software packages are being developed.

With our expertise, this group is the best choice when you are looking for a partner to do research regarding any question in energy efficiency in video communications.












